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Sleeper Thoughts

A framework for modeling product development
This post is written to crystallize my own thoughts, and isn't particularly groundbreaking. I have no particular experience in product...

How Apple's privacy push crushed Criteo and endangers the open web
Net neutrality isn't the only blow to the open internet lately. It is pretty rare to see cases of corporate assault as striking as what...

How eight successful startups explained their addressable markets to investors
Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a piece meant to address what I consider the most overlooked part of startup pitches: the...

How to value startup stock options when comparing job offers
Every once in awhile, I'm asked by a friend to help evaluate job offers from mid to late stage startups. The market for talent is...

Why Bitcoin isn't overvalued (or undervalued)
I've written before that Bitcoin is powering an ICO bubble via mental accounting - but I was careful to ring-fence Bitcoin from the rest...

The case for startups in the age of Goliaths
There's been a spate of hand-wringing in Silicon Valley as the crop of mobile/internet/cloud-driven startups matures and giant companies...

The fallacy fueling the ICO bubble
Growing up, I worked the cash register at my family's grocery store . Every Saturday like clockwork, a well-dressed elderly woman would...
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